Dining at UT

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We have one dining hall called Ultimate Dining, and in ultimate dining, there is a soup and salad bar. There's a thing called the granary, which is for all sorts of breads like bagels and stuff, and cereal and ice cream is in the granary. Sometimes they do like putting cops all sorts of stuff like that. Then there's the deli where you can make your own rap sandwich or sub. There's ham, turkey, roast beef, um, tuna chicken salad and then all the toppings you could think of. Then they also have a panini press type thing so you can get your sandwich other hot or cold that we have an international stand where there's a different meal made everyday lunch and dinner on the weekends. I think they just make dinner, and in the mornings, every morning they make omelets. Then there's a classic stand, which is stuff like basic chicken. So there's sometimes rice, all kinds of veggies, sometimes potatoes. We have a pasta station and we have the grill, which is a favorite of mine. There's always a big bin of French fries out, and they also always have grilled chicken, which is a hit. There's always a long line to get that because they pull it right off the grill and they slice it up For students. There's someone at the front desk and then you're free to go in and eat as much as you like for as long as you like. You can also get a to go box and to go cup and fill that up and take it elsewhere. Sometimes I'll take my food back to my dorm if I'm doing homework or I will take it out to the park. Teo, eat lunch out there, didn't there? It's just a nice option to have if you're especially if you're in a hurry. Um, there's a place called the Grill, which is open until one AM You could order on kiosks. You could order burgers, hotdogs, case ideas, all sorts of things. We also have an Einstein bagels and a place called Fresh Creations, which makes all sorts of sandwiches and wraps. Then the other place on campus that you could get food at is in more sunny at more sanni. The first floor is a food court, and the rest of the floors are all dorms. So in more sunny, there's a place called Star Ginger, which is all Asian food. Then we have a dairy queen of the on ly dairy queen on a college campus, Salsa Rico, which is like an off branch of Holy, very similar to Triple A but not as good Gourmet grocer, which is a little grocery store. They have any kind of snacks you could think of as well a sandwiches, salads and fruit cups that you could use a meal exchange for They also have a little sushi booth. We also have a place called Paninis, which is Italian.