Classes at the University of Tampa

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I have really liked my cost us so far this semester. Most of my professors are agent professors, which means they teach at, um, multiple schools in the area. So we have us effort on the road. We also have a community college nearby, so a lot of the professors at this school will bounce around at least like lots of crosses that are more general. So far this semester, all my professors have been great. Um, they're very passionate about what they teach in my plant hall video. Um, he definitely loves what he teaches, and he's very knowledgeable about it. They're very knowledgeable, which has been great. I don't really hear many complaints about professors here, which is a good sign. Religions and my world history costs is are both more lecture style, but my writing class is very interactive. Um, we read articles every week, and we watched lots of Ted talks, and we spend most of class discussing them. So really the subject that you're taking the professor that you have determines what kind of style the cost is going to be. Even my general classes that I'm taking this semester are like at most, maybe, like twenty five students. Our student to faculty ratio is seventeen to one, so there are bigger costs is like, I know intro to global business is usually around thirty five kids. That's probably like one of the biggest costs we have here. That's pretty much unheard of here, which I think is really great. Since it's so small, my teacher can give us a very specific feedback. Every time we turn in an essay, she rates up like whole paper, basically, in response to our paper to give us feedback.