Interview with Grace
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I just walked up the Rock Beach stairs and I ran in. My friend Grace Grace is also part of Union for BBC, and she also lives in vain, and she's super cool. Um, so I was NASCAR is like, how do you like you see in like, what's your experience been so far? Um, I love you. Um, I really enjoy, like, the layout of the campus, um, and the community is well like, because as a first year, we're living on one residents. It makes you feel like you're a before entering into, like, the sixty thousand percent rate. How did you did You like it? It's not like I like everyone. Some people were trash talking it, but I I could jump start, kind of like made my experience. Like I had a more solid group, which made it easier for the people who are from Canada but out of BC bc area, right? Agreed. Yeah, well, is there anything that you like Don't like about you? ABC is much or feel like, uh, other college campuses have that. I definitely think that because it's so big, like there's not as much that like the AMs or like the student, the student like organisations Khun Do. And it's harder to find to, like, feel like you can do that. Yeah, but a lot of that is self driven, so it's about like, what you hear today.