Dorm life
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Students come here that can use, like, their star pass, uh, car. He swiped in, and essentially, that's how it goes. If you have a package, you go over there to those wonderful ladies in that room, and then you just pick up your package that in there to go to the different floors you actually have toe scan your card there like the elevator won't move like that's some high end security for you. No, I don't think that's No, it's like Felix. So can you go to the Carrie Hall like main building through the Carrie Hall dorms you get. S O. This is one of the double rooms, Mom. So which one would you All right, so down here's nice clothes and no problem camera. Okay, so the Carrie Hall dorms, it's pretty integrated. When you're a freshman, it's kind of a hidden Ms Nam to get into this dorm. There are just certain buildings that are for freshman, such as the Styx building. Then there are also other dorms that are for the upper class man. Like juniors and seniors and freshmen are not allowed. Those are like the sweets on those air, like the big fancy rooms. So each bed has a desk that it comes with as well as additional space underneath. Obviously, they both come with beds and then over here is the closets. What one side has the other side has Well, and the heating is right over there. Place conveniently by the windows, and there's a nice big A window there.