Meet Isaac! Why Wooster?
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We're here with another college of Wooster student. I'm from Louisville, Kentucky, on junior here at the college. So how do you feel about what's there so far? Like prose, pros and cons of the school. I really enjoy the faculty connections that you get. You know, we have a student capita ratio of eleven to one. I have lunch with them right here in the cafeteria's wells. So you're trained not to say this, but if you could change anything about what, sir, what would it be? If I could change one thing about the school? I would probably change. Sort of the way they make you change your passwords. As a computer scientist, I just get why they make us change our password so often. That's like how often they make me change my password s O. If you if you had to describe, like, the student climate or the act like, how would you describe the students here? I would describe the students as ambitious, curious, sort of go getters. Teo, make the world a better place tryingto as much as I can. I'm doing really, really good job in academics and in their personal life. Then if you had one piece of advice for your senior high school senior self, what one piece of advice, my scene yourself, I would probably recommend myself to, uh, maybe take on just a little bit less than first semester going into college. You know, in high school, you could do all these different activities, and it's really not that difficult.