Somers Hall Dorm Room (Regular)
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Actually, I am a current freshman at the College of Saints last, and I'm from the state of Minnesota, so it's very good. So this is the only hall that freshman living There are more apartments that way with us for, like the older students. It's like couple days before the sweets are over there. What? How we kind of decided to break this down was This is one of my shells. The main one that you don't have the roast. Just give it more of like a cute, just comfy feeling. Yeah, and then I amenable storage thing, right? You're just a store like hats because you know Minnesota Very cool. No, tell that from my towels usually sit, so there is some storage. This is where, like you can put, like, majority of your claws. Believe or not, it actually does allow for a lot of storage. You're more shelves for, like, toiletry items and other like dishes and things like that. This is a album of the school has to put in here for security purposes. It saves us from having to walk to the bathroom every morning and every night you brush your teeth. Not that I ever drink, but you know again, over here, my roommates half is the same thing just neared. If you do not like coffee now, trust me, you will begin to love it in college, even if you don't like the hard stuff. Hiding in here is a great place to hide like chips and other like pantry items, snacks. I also have ice cream because why can I have ice cream in the middle of winter? I don't know. Also very nice from Minnesota schools, because sometimes he goes out. Yes, all those histories, all of this has leaves are very colorful, very bright. That's a BWC. That's Yeah, that's the gym. Yeah, I know this is just a little under storage thing for like trash cans and like Paper Thousand with our cleaning stuff most and then eyes are beds.