Typical Night on campus Type 2: Game Night
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This is one of those games, more advanced board games with a trader element. So three heroes and the Trader have different objectives based on what hot you're playing and the difference between betrayal, legacy and betrayal, which we all met playing betrayal at Geeks of the Round Table, which is a club where all part of and yes, that that that that's the game is that you play as a family is supposed to a particular character. So and there's a cohesive story line between Game was whereas betrayal. There's thirteen chapters in a prologue, so basically we're seven No. Nine games and at this point, and Brandon will be back in a minute. We are in the commuter lounge that I showed you guys in a previous video, and we're going to get underway once Brandon gets back. He's, you know, because we have to send him out of earshot because he can't know our objectives and we can't know his so hope you guys enjoy. Really? Okay, So Brandon's been back for a while, and both me and Ellie are basically the closest to dead we can get in this. Hot karate is like the load person who's really here on me and Elliot traders, But we're pretty much useless because all of our stats are the lowest they can go in this game and branded as God crazy and hungry for power. Our president would probably kick his butt in this game. Hey, needs us would have found a way to strategize through anything. Well, it like, really the best strategy Should the world bother mention I used to pay for example, how much air little items, how they had to three forty five So basically and it's over my story if you want Next time it'LL be harder for you to win. He's like the on ly one with heirloom items from our past games, which is like this element we get items is part of this game and you could heirloom them, which gives you like a special effect. You guys attack attack? You wouldn't say that You don't You like the power of your ancestors. Yeah, I'm like, Yeah, way so your foot way, Time way stepper Like festive getting eso We'LL probably do another chapter tonight and hopefully that will very least even if we lose be less of an ultimate murder is colleague of and more of a say hi, mommy Ravenous Wolf Way will come back to you at the start of the next game. Really? Well, my stereotypical anime personality is the alone Eddie got gamer, so basically you wouldn't really life but Rover satisfied. Also trailing All scream on this, the guy wearing things that look evil. Basically, she seems nice, but after work and start singing, she likes heavy metal scene it way forgot one person in the group. You really got it and obey, right? So if you pick something that's, like, really animated specific, I'm gonna have no clue what you're talking about. I thought the game and like start of the game right, she will hunt you down in a Romney's animal, for example. What about saying I want like, not religious awful activity guys? And you wonder why anyway, for example, so basically we were getting teaching factories celebrate my birthday and the cross book down. He's like, Why don't you guys, here's your coffee is like the bus broke down, so I didn't see that the bus broke down and told, like, five texts after that. Brandon would read that for us, and then I'm going to go hang out with the boys and play some video games. Watched them play video games, cause I'm not really good at it. To be fair you guys give me all the information I needed. How could we have prevented it? Like we had no clue what tires were never saying? I feel bad that you guys have. You got through the world's leading male heroes and inhabitants of the house behind you down toward where he lies. So at the end of every game way add stuff to our different Dex. Based on what the bleak journal says So that's That's where I know he's looking right now. I can't do that and hold the camera, guys, where you forget you're This's the purgatory. What else are we adding, Brandon? Once active barb, it's put into the regular stuff because I just you have put it for that in there during tryingto turn two hundred ninety five in the bleak journal. He's long realizes he's thrills will serve me Well, he smiles of those you have brought him is a chilling sight. This's the most journal entries we've ever had. Guys, this might honestly be the longest end to game night there has ever been to game night. Basically, where is the house that needs to go? Bye bye. It's not part of the game, but I don't want to. We have to actually destroy cards in this game because basically, at the end of the game, you end up with a custom I version of betrayal or the chalice Give me the Omen. Things out because way all this down for death, right? Loss as our deaths, your loss of your health lost the use of hill House, then fell lost gets hell house, then felt I Yes, I lost fourteen. Anyway, I think that this court is a good time to stop filming guys. So I wasn't able to show you guys the videogame portion of our night because my phone died and Brandon lent me his phone to record on. So you guys missed the guys playing Digimon and Suraj dorm room. I do apologize for the technical glitch, but I will see you guys in the next video.