Typical dorms part 1: Tour of Cullen Hall
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I'm in my PJs right now because I'm gonna be showing you my dorm a couple of things about dorms in general, there's really only a couple different types of housing on campus. Main ones will be staying in as like a freshman are Lima and Brubaker, which are like traditional dorm style and or RCC what they started doing this year because we had such a big freshman class, and that's three of the converted count houses put together. How's my first year here? Because I'm a transfer. They have sweet style living, and I think some of the dorms and Liam are also sweet style. Every dorm comes complete with trash can recycling bin. I got myself a bigger trash can just really wasn't enough space for a dresser, a desk, a chair, windows with fines or curtains and a closet or armoire, depending on DH. That's per person. Most of the dorms don't have air conditioning, but you know Thea, other type of housing that you really won't get until junior senior year more than likely is Centennial Hall for a couple of the town houses that have been converted into apartments. If you want to be with a specific person that you know is going here, and you both repressed each other. That's always a thing, and then they will pair you up. The roommate by roommate was my little orange really furry cat until he got sick about a month ago, just from stress of having to transport back and forth for breaks. I'm going to go right ahead and show you guys my form room and then you guys arrested dorm. I can't wait to show you guys Okay, so this is my dorm, like I said, a little messy, but I tried to keep it mostly organized. When you get here, you're dressed will most likely be underneath. I have my own room and my own Swiffer because they have, like, rooms and stuff here. Do you cue Terry Parker saying so intact? Book self I brought is my glasses, my contacts, all the stuff I need to show in the morning and some food and whatnot and asserting hat because, um, I just started in your diet program. I'm doing Octavia because I, you know, even coming into college was like, really obese. I've only been on it for about two weeks now, and I just haven't had devised a better plan to keep my, um, shop staple food. Have two windows I put on those cleans that you just stick on with water because those curtains is great as they look, They break really easy. You get ones that are girly once that a boy like but just sort of, you know, people can't see into your room while you're sleeping. I did bring my own flying here, and I have it propped up over the shelf right now just because I wasn't able to get it. Um, I have a clock that I never really said again after the light savings. Um, you know, remember to shut it off and don't start. Um, you get one mini fridge performing because I'm in a single dorm, but this is mine. Power outlets power outlets are great, but they have to have that safety, um, thing where if the sugar overloads, it'll turn off. Then I have, you know, some artwork around the room you get hanging from the ceiling, but you can hang from the ball with command hooks in strip. Round Try not to put anything near these because these are like your radiator heaters on and it will get really hot, right? You'LL find yourself sometimes in the winter wondering if you need to crack a window. No. Anyway, I mean so in Hall Room five and it's one of converted count houses, and I said, I'm in a single, So the governor I've seen are about twice that space because there's two people but my friend who lives in a freshman dorm, and he's really the only freshman friend I have. Even before that, ever cooking here I've made pot isn't here for different events. Um, a lot of things that bulletin boards are put these up for us, so we have no things on Our door With Me was cute. If it's not a concert or like a religious event, I tend not to go, but like don't other amazing cool things like we had a Harry Potter night night actually here about a week. That most part, really, Only one person who used the bathroom anytime. I don't know what most of the rooms in my house or singles. Let custom people have this carpeting inside the room, and this is a place to comment on how in the upperclassmen dorms that are really converted houses. There's really not a big common area because this is our common area, like little T V. So we will tend to hang out in the main lounge, in the lounges, in our buildings, um, at clubs and events. Unlike the freshmen dorms, that's most of what's here. The only treatment is there's no comedy appear just yeah, all these dorms again. Because there's no bulletin board over here. My doorman here, something else I would mention is just, you know, be really good about keeping their space clean. Because if you're not especially living in a small space in or out really quick if you're smart about your space You spoke about what you bring you'LL be fine if you're not looking around its problems could have done that to myself before so, you know, cautionary tale Don't be. To be honest, if you're going to stay in a dorm room But this is Jasmine signing off.