My Morning Routine!

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Hey, guys, that Sarah And today I'm going to show you my morning routine at the College of St Rose. Every morning at college might be a little bit different, but on days I don't have classes. I'm going to be waking up around ten a. M or later. So after moaning and groaning and convincing myself to get up, I finally dio and I put on some makeup. I have school as well, but on days I don't have classes. I definitely spend more time on my makeup, and just because I think it's cool, I'll give you guys a little time lapse of me doing my makeup. After doing my makeup for about a half an hour, I go and put some jewelry on, I brush my hair and I take my vitamins because I have to stay healthy at college. It's very easy to get sick when you're around people all the time, and after that I have to get dressed. So depending on the mood and the day, I'll typically pick either something formal or casual. Today I wanted to go for the comfy and casual, but it's also still very warm out. After about ten minutes of figuring out what I wanna wear, I'll tend to pose in the mirror. It's still not that flattering, but I do it anyway. I always have coffee in the mornings, will pick a cake up and I have my agave and I'll pick like a granola bar for a snack or something. I'll go to the kitchen and start making my coffee. It's such a process, and then I'll go get yogurt out of the fridge. I also have other breakfast items, but today I just felt like having this. While eating my breakfast If I have time, I'll tend to check my social media or email. I need to see if I have any important notifications from class or if I have a package coming in the mail and the main social media. I uses Twitter and Instagram and YouTube and then, after doing everything I need to do, all either chill in my room after or I'll start my day and go out. So thank you guys for watching my morning routine again. I also have more videos of the campus coming soon, so stay tuned for that.