Closing Remarks
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So this tour and doing this with you guys has been pretty amazing. Um, I didn't expect to enjoy this as much as I did. I did some things that I don't think I otherwise would've. I definitely wouldn't have gone to a game day, were it not for you guys. I just got to look at everything I loved about my campus in new eyes. The reason I wanted to work with campus Riel is because not only do I really love St Rose, but I can't imagine what it would be like to not be able to go to your dream school or even look at it because there's nobody to give you a tour. You live in another country, and I just wanted everybody to have the same opportunity to come and enjoy my campus like I do. Um, and it's never going to be quite the same as being here. Um, but I still had a lot of fun filming it for you guys. I've had a lot of fun this week, huh? These couple of weeks filming and I've really enjoyed being on the camera and learning a lot and spending time with my friends filming everything come. That's that's what I've gotten out of it. That's why I decided to work with campus rial. I wish you the best of luck in your collar church and whether you choose St Rose or another college will hurt my feelings. Go where you feel is going to be the best fit for you. Excuse me, and just make sure you really think over it. It is a big decision and you don't want to have, even though transferring was the right city for me. You don't wanna have to transfer unless it's necessary because it does put a kink in the wheels and you probably need extra time to graduate should you know, really think through the process And best of luck.