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This is where you will come to do homework, study for exams, get some reading. The library is really popular during midterms and finals week. So really anything that you'll need to get your studying done is available in the library. Help with, uh, your schoolwork and maintain like your social life. Because you know you don't want to be stuck in your dorm when you're hanging out with your friends trying to get worked on. You could just come over here, sit down for a couple hours, bang out work, go back to your dorm and hang out. Now we're inside a star books which is located in the library at Starbucks. You can use your meal quick here, which I can explain to you guys later, When We're talking about different food plans. Couldn't know you're studying for a long time. Get yourself a drink, a little bit of a break and keep going. So we'll go take out the rest of the live right now, guys in our in the library. So on this floor, they're competing light discussions. If you have any questions about the library, um, printing services. So ten cents a page, you can print us up to his money. Wei have books, uh, and really anything else your standard library would have. We have a great life here in jail, so I would definitely recommend realizing library as much as you can while you're here school, right?