INTERVIEWING my friend Ani
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So now here in my right, honey, she lives on the same floor as me. Like, we're very tight, like, that's really great aspect of life, Like having friends on your floor because you see them every day. I was going to give him some advice about, like, incoming freshmen or, like, kids that are still in high school. I'm a finance major at T C N J. Uh um, incoming advice. Um, don't be afraid to step out of your comfort zone. Um, be kind to everyone, and you never know who's gonna be your friend, So definitely be a little more outgoing. I mean, like, actually, like, getting in, I would say, like, try toe like, builds up your as me with some leadership thing. I know you hear that a lot, but it's important to have some leadership activities on your resume. Yeah, like the T c. N. J. Like the typical student had, like, at least like some type of leadership possession in high school. So I think that's a very important, like ad. You're even just like any kind of volunteer hours, whatever. Anything around your school just shows that you're involved, and you wantto be a part of the community. Yeah, And that's what makes everyone some nice. Everyone has, like, has past experiences from high school at, like, help them grow well.