FOOD options at EIK!!!!

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Okay, So where are you right now? Guys, this is the main dining halls on campus. I have that health on point down there, there's a bakery. So you know that's That's a plus that things here are fresh. Serial meal pancakes, Egg wei have Quimby's kitchen. Like different types of food, will be like Italian food. You set a salad bar to build your own silent over here that way, have a sandwich station you could build. We have a walk over there, so that's what you could build your own like Chinese Food bowl. Have we got a bunch of build your own station? So it's really great. You know, you could customize your food to have everything like it. What? Your personal personal favorite is the salad bar? Because, um, Jim here on campus is great. So after the gym will come here, got a salad, some chicken on it. The food food not a lot of guys will be a bit better for being but a little bit.