How to Get Involved at the Bush School of Government and Public Service with Cat
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Something that is incredibly unique about texas A and M. University and the Bush school specifically is how involved you could be everybody at the Bush school is involved, something. You have student government, the Bush board fellows program, which is something that I'm a part of, which is where I get to serve on a board of a nonprofit and I get to see how the nonprofit world works in the bryan College Station area. It has given me another view into the world of public service. You have things like the Bush will ambassadors who meet with people who come to the Bush will weather to speak whether they're alumni, What have you? They are basically the people who represent the Bush school to our visitors. You also have this awesome opportunity during the legislative session to meet with state legislators and talk to them about the needs of texas A and M. University, the needs of the Bush school and ask them to help support our school. Whatever you get involved in the and you're gonna have a lot of fun, whatever you get involved in that, the Bush was going to be something that helps you, not only at your time at the Bush school, but beyond as well.