Why Campus Reel?
The following is an computer-generated summary of the video transcript.
So I wanted to work with campus Real to begin with, because I really did feel like my college campus tours were super lame, and they didn't show me what it actually was like to be a college student and walk around campus. They just showed me a very glossy manufactured idea, just like very certain parts of the lifestyle at that college. I think that even if you go to social media, are you gonna instagram or you look up the colleges on their websites, like all you're going to get is those manufactured images that make everything look good all the time. So that's why I think it's really important that I wanted to do this for this company because it's not manufactured and it's very minimally edited, and you get to see like, Okay, this is a boring day on campus. Sir, this is a day where there's a lot of kids going around and you just get a better idea of what day to day life it's like instead of this, like, really dreamy vision you have of college, which is totally there in that specialness. That magic is totally, like a plausible and attainable. It's hard to person that without making the day, every day seemed like a dream. So I am so glad that I got to do this two or three guys, and I hope I give you a good idea what Texas A and M is like. This place is absolutely my favorite place in the world and has given me so many opportunities that I could go on about for hours and hours. You'll have a million other colleges look at and that is just equally is important to give every place a fair chance in your head without any preconceived ideas. So I hope that you enjoyed my tour and thank you so much for watching and giggle.