West Campus Library + work/life balance

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So we're here at Waner, which is Mei's business school, and a lot of people like to call this Waner Island, because even though sixty eight thousand kids go to this school, everyone on West Campus, which is where we are right now, tends to know each other and see all the same people all the time. It's definitely it's one of my favorite things about being a business student here, but also all of my classes are over here except for one. It's only because I took a film class on Main Campus. So sometimes I feel like I'm not getting to experience Main Campus, which is the prettier part of Texas A and M, because as you can tell from this little panna West campus isn't the most beautiful place to be in the world. I still have a lot of great memories here, but it's definitely not where you want to be if you want to study in like a scenic place. Okay, so I'm going to give you a little tour inside of the library. It's It's one of like five libraries that we have here. A Texas A and M. I spend a ton of my time here, pretty much all of it. I have a lot of bad in good memories from studying for tests here, but there is four floors and the first few floors are loud and then there's quite sections on every single floor and I will take you up there in a second. So I couldn't be too loud in the library just now, but our library's air super well equipped with pretty much anything you need. You can check out calculators, chargers, cameras, tons of equipment, tons of stuff I didn't even know you check out from the library. They pretty much have everything possibly needed by Scantron. There's always snack places in vending machines in all five of our libraries on campus. Just like the one that I showed you in West Campus. I I would say I spend it depends on the semester and depends on the class load you take. You have a little bit of flexibility there, but I would definitely say that I spend like sixty to seventy percent of my time studying or do school. We're going to class, and then the other thirty percent um, hanging out with my friends were doing fun stuff. It's changed a little bit throughout the years freshman year. My class is really weren't that difficult, so I was taking a lot of basics. I would say sophomore year when you're going through all of the like hard even for majors like engineering or business. The big major core classes that are going to be the hardest are going to be your sophomore junior year, depending on how many hours you bring in from high school. That's why this is a text saying them, and it's a really highly esteemed degree. It's definitely taught me how to study more than I ever knew how to study in high school. Kind of flew through high school pretty easy without putting that much effort into it. If you're willing to put in the work and you're willing to put in the work in high school to get here, it's so so worth it, so definitely be encouraged there.