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I just got out of marketing class with one of my best friend, Lauren. I went to high school with both of them when they were built to my best friends in high school. They actually just transfer from other schools, ain't him this year? So I thought it would be a good idea for you to hear kind of difference between their schools and how it is. What? Okay, So Brady just came from s Okay, you know, why is it different now? So it's a really small town. Just, you know, it's where everybody knows everybody. You know, you drive a lot bigger for your class here, Lauren. Lauren just came from Blin team, so it's part of the AM program. With Flynn team, I'm go to Glynn and and, uh, so I got a little taste of the animal shelter and what it was like to go hear into going to be in class with Boyd and students into being here is very different from being in. The classes are harder, but it just goes to show how much and it pushes us to be the best that we can be. What's one of the best and worst things about living in College Station? Yeah, best thing. Okay, first thing, it's hard to have found out a thing. I would say one of the best things about going here is the people. Of course, not only do I have friends, uh, went to my high school that also came here with me. Just you can almost walk up to any person on the street and suddenly become best friends. You'll just have so much in common, and personality types are so similar. Then I would say the worst thing is probably the school because it is very difficult. Like I said, it just goes to show how much and and pushes you and expect so much of you like because she's YouTube sweet.