Sorority Life at TAMU
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Way were friends in elementary school, and then I moved away in the sixth grade. Newburn Albert made Norton Nights are number one night's air number one. Okay um, tell me about your major and why you want to join us. I'll be transferring to Poles and business my business minor. So the reason why I wanted to save him was because whenever I went on a tour, I really felt like how friendly everyone wass and, like, like home even screwed. She seemed, but I really liked the value of their students. It was like a really so this summer, Gracie and joined her sorority Kappa Alpha's data, right? Yes. That's what every girl has to go through if they want to join a sorority. It's a great experience I'd recommend to anyone. It taught me a lot of things that week and taught you taught me, like kind of a deal projection and meeting you girls like all different types of girls from all over. It taught me to, like, Haven't open minded everyone, and it was really great. It's morning, um, even though, like stories, do like get a bad image like what makes your authority or like sorties in text saying them in general, like what contradicts that were like makes like, Makes it have a good image, I guess. I really like Greek life in text, Dana, because it really uphold each sorority woman to a higher standard, if you will, like service wise and education, just holding that clean image to the best of their ability. Um, yeah, love where you like most excited for, like throughout the future. I'm excited for people since next year because we'll pull. It is no more game with jealousy, but we're going home. I hope you all enjoyed and yet Thank you and get a go.