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This is our business school and them This is my print got in high, so she's business major as well. So we are at the Relais Energy Securities and Commodities Trading Centre. We have the whole stock exchange thing going on, and you look inside of you. Yeah, well, this crew here, and so this is actually for one of the finance classes. If you actually get to manage funds, actual real funds and if it's one of those, like, if you do well, you actually match than what you pass, it's a pasture field class. What's your major? Of course, more business made you, but we don't get to choose our majors until the beginning of our junior year end of sophomore and herself for you. What I'm wanting to go into is I want Teo management with entrepreneurship track or in HR tries is so at the end of my semester, I'm going toe. Right now we're walking to the atrium, and that's like the center. So the atrium is the very center, Like the main entrance. So why did you choose And well, my parents went to Anna. My grandfather went to Anna, my uncle's Teo e. I just may specifically because I wanted to work in a corporate field. That was where I thought I was meant to be, actually. What's your favorite anime tradition? My favorite tradition. I met you s ome n a L is a pep rally that we do midnight before game before football games and everybody gets together the whole student body. We put this year's, but we call them meals here. Um, what is your favorite thing about my least favorite you That's a hard one. Maybe the fact that those student services air all the way out West campus, but they're currently being built to be on Main campus by twenty, twenty, twenty, twenty one. Yeah, So the reason that their own West campus right now they're built, they're making new buildings for them. So they have therefore now, But it's a little out of our ways, so that's kind. It's kind of annoying you know, they're like, It gets worse before it gets better. So we're gonna have great facilities and a little bit. They're more classrooms around us, just going to come in real quick. Usually this heart for a smaller sections or four speakers. So we were you in it? No, I was an FBI class, so it's not like federal Bureau. It just gives you like introduction to business. I think we could go in because I know they're Yeah, they're taking the test right now, but we could just keep walking. They're speakers that are close to and them. They're from a big corporations Cos some corporation include Iwai, Ernst and Young. Um, T I Texans and shipments KPMG. And you have a lot of the gas. Oh, here's the classroom where I have my information. My favorite thing is not very was about computers, so I've been actually helping cutting out with homework. She doesn't really, But I might get it all past.