A Day in My Life!

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Thirty five a. M, and I am in my kinesiology class right now. Texas ain't it has like a million piece classes, and I don't even need this class. I just take it for fun because every semester usually take one just because they're only one day weeks of and they're a blast. Yeah, so I hope everyone's well, forgive me right now, building so but in all reality, like I show up for this class early because the people are so nice and it's like a random mix of people. So this is Matty and Connor and they're both in my actionable class, and this class is a blast. So can you all attest to that or anything else in the Commies department here? Well, first, I like during the day that's really hard to do that. So I'm about to go into finance class in this journey it room. So all show shot of my finance professor here was, like, my least favorite classes, right? Guys gives him a marketing major, but it's still okay, So it's definitely a huge, like student faculty. Honestly, that's one of my biggest regrets in college because I should have spent more time like getting to know my professors or a person because you really like that really does help your grades this like this? Years. So I just walked back to my car from finance class, and it takes me about fifteen minutes to walk from Wary Park to class every day and fifteen to twenty minutes to get home. So it's about like a thirty five minute commute twenty five, depending on the time of day. It's so crowded that traffic makes everything three times longer to get places that it would if college Campus didn't exist in this like a pretty small town. So this is where I park and this is where a ton of kids park, and it's called LA one hundred. It's absolutely massive in it in circles, Read Arena, which is our basketball arena, which is awesome right here, and it stretches all the way around and holds tons and tons of kids. You have to pay a ton of money for a parking pass, and then sometimes you can't even find a spot where you need to part for last. So a lot of times what happens? His kids were just certain parking lot until they see somebody coming out, and then I'll ask them if they can follow them to their spot, which is what I do a lot. I just rolled out my window and yeah, so that's definitely something that I wanted to point out, because it is a huge disadvantage. Tch of going here is just how many students are being packed into such a small town in such a limited parking in areas like that. It's a thirty minute commute, like doesn't bother you home and back, and I live like near sorority row. For a lot of kids, it's it's less than that. It's like fifteen or twenty minutes, then they really shouldn't be a problem. So right behind me here is the student center and rudder tower, and this is a main part of campus where everyone comes singing out. There's Bamber holding lots of suit organization set up here. It's usually really high energy, and it's really fun to come with your friends. Lots of cross traffic with bus is stopping, and so yeah, so I'm gonna take a little bit around this area and through the MSC This is one of my favorite spots on campus. It's called the Flag Room and for a lot of students come to sit and study and it's super historical, and it has a lot of AM history built into it. So we're in front of the student rec center right now, and I've been so excited to show you all this place because it's my favorite place on campus. So I teach classes with, like, thirty, twenty to thirty people, and I'm actually about to go teach a hit class. So I'm hoping y'all can meet some of my clients and I'm going to show you all around because it is the best place on campus, in my opinion, and there's so much more you can do here. Then just go to the weight room, even though that's one of everyone's favorite places as well. So let's go in up here is the group fitness area and this is where I teach and spend most of my time. My friend Josh is actually teaching a step class in here, so let's see if we can go take a look Oh, this is my friend Josh. So that's definitely one of my favorite things about and it's free. Yeah, there's a lot of French classes, so check those out. Yeah, and everything in the wreck is completely free for use as long as your student here, which is pretty cool. So I just left teaching at the wreck, and I wanted to show you this because if it really comes down to anything, there's one negative to me about College Station in general, and that is the traffic and the transportation. That's really like the only thing I think of during my day that ever makes me upset or angry. Number of kids in cars here, and I feel even worse for the residents college station cause it's so packed. That being said, it really is the only thing that is super bad in my opinion, and y'all can take a look for yourself and see what I'm sitting in at five forty five. This is probably going to take me twenty minutes to even get through.