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So here we have the real chemistry building that was talking about called held in bills. Typically in this building, you have the chemistry classes or your math classes to I don't know what else is in here, but we also have a chemistry lab here. So if you're taking fresh meat and chemistry, realize we'll be right up there somewhere. I said it this chemistry labs in this building, so those that Kim she Latin is building be very, very wearing the steps. I think you're contesting the fact that the stairs are very difficult to find. I recommend that if you have a chemistry lab, I don't think that night because this is not good byes. Look, taking the lab that night, it's kind of like Ting and that while still daytime and waking up when it's nighttime, it's gonna throw you for a loop. Yeah, if you have a class here, our lives here, make sure that you're in decent shape. You can make up the stairs and make sure that you don't take the lab and now please.