Working for Campus Reel
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I just wanted to say that campus Riel is a great platform for incoming freshman incoming transfers to know what school is best going to suit them. I wanted to work for campus Riel because I watched a lot. I mean ah, lot of YouTube videos, virtual tours, logs, dorm room tours, apartment tours, everything you can possibly think of before I made my list of what schools I wanted to apply Tio and that was before campus. Now campus realize a thing, and I think it is an amazing platform for incoming freshman incoming transfers. Master programs, whatever you are to get inside, a look off what the school is that you want to go. Teo was all about, and that is why I chose to work for campus. I wanted to give you all an insight off what it's like to be a student at Temple University. It was such a hard decision for me to choose what school to attend, and the logs and the videos were something that really, really helped me. It is so much different than a YouTube It is so much different than the videos that you get from the university because they're so scripted in my opinion, but campus riel is so on Scrimp did script and it was just the best thing. I thought that I wanted to bring my personality in my view of temple to this platform and help all of you pick Temple University for your upper education. I hope you apply to temple and hope you get a tour of temple because it is a great, great place and I cannot wait to see you succeed and come here in the fall or the spring or the summer. Whatever you choose to come, I just cannot wait to see you.