Temple Dorms

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If you saw my apartment tour already, you would know that I live off campus. So that doesn't really help you guys as underclassmen, because a lot of you are more than likely going to live on campus. I actually think it's required for first year freshman's live on campus unless you are a community. So I'm going to give you guys a little bit of insight on you of your dorm options. As freshmen, you can live in Whitehall, which is the one of the oldest halls. There is thirteen hundred, which is well seasoned Seymour Avenue. Actually, they're my sophomore year, but I lived in the upperclassmen apartment styles, but for lower classman at on floors one through three and it's two bedrooms, two people to a bedroom. So we're living with three other people total, and then you have a little common area, and on one side you have a shower and sink, I believe, or to shower and a toilet. Then you have bath, a toilet and a sink that I'm not quite sure about. I do know that you have two rooms on either side that either has a shower in a sink, a single shower, twelve in a shower in a sink. It's any combination of those two, and it's very dependent on which room you get us to what lay out you get because it's in the hallway corner room, whatever very dependent on it. There is nineteen forty, which is on the league horse walk. Only on that is shared bedrooms for the communal bathroom that is the same with Jay and H communal bathroom with your floor with your wing. Shared bedroom floors are co ed, but you will be separated by hallway in some cases. I've lived in the dorms where boys have lived across the hall from me, So if you were wanting it to be girls, only your guys only make sure you read the description. There is also Morgan Hall South, which is strictly for underclassmen. If it's asked a short building those the Morgan South, which is short, and then Morgan North, which is really tall in Morgan with Headlight, one of four fours and twenty six or something s O As a freshman, you'll be in the smaller one. I lived in there my freshman year, loved it, had a beautiful view of the courtyard. Everything was really updated and new because it is the newest building on campus. As you get into upperclassman, you can also have the option to live in the fourth and fifth floors of thirteen hundred, which I told you apartment style could live in Morgan North, same as Marc in South, just an entire building. There's temple towers, which is apartment style living. You live with like, six or seven other people, and you have your bathroom and a kitchen in that as well. So I hope this has helped you get a little insight on the dorm room situation. I know that you can't really see that because I don't live in any of those, and it's hard to visualize. If you go to the Temple University housing website, you can actually do virtual tours provided by the university. Um, so yeah, I hope it really helped you and hope to see you a temple soon.