My Major? Psychology! at Susquehanna with Joey

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I have loved our site program, I'm only a sophomore. It's been excellent, professors have all been very helpful with their accommodations and the field is just fascinating and it's great having like access to research opportunities, sucking my friends who have the ability to work on campus um in like our rat lab and actually work in the field as an undergrowth. So I took interpersonal relationships this semester and I found uh mis attributions of arousal to be really interesting. Like just the idea that like you can sort of trick your brain into associating an event with a specific person, even if it's not a positive emotion, you want to get closer to that person. So grad school and I think this man is setting me up really well for that just um like allowing me to get close with professors, the small class sizes um and really working like one on one. That has been very helpful and I think that will go a long way in grad school. Um and they will really help you one on one in ways that you can't get elsewhere.