Why a Smaller School Is the Right Fit for Me at Susquehanna with Calli

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So I was really concerned at first initially thinking about going to college just in terms of am I going to be in like a huge lecture hall with all these people? I don't know, I never get to see the professor and like the whole image is just really intimidating. Um Professor will know your first name and you'll know people in your class is you've got to know them. Um So if you're someone who likes to be able to talk to the professor about things, meet with a mom one or just ask a lot of questions in class, you have an opportunity to do that and all the professors are really great about making relationships with their students, you know, just making connections in class and answering questions whenever they can. Most professors are really great about being able to meet with you during their office hours or just find a time that they can help you with whatever you need.