Newton lecture hall

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So we are in Newton Newton noon, which is the building where we have lecture halls on campus. Is this the biggest one? You know, this is like medium's medium. Some of the other ones they have just chairs with, like, little pull out desks or, like, ideal. In our history lecture, they put a lot of classes in here that have a lot of people in them Really injured bio and your body's like, OK, didn t o so the bigger classes, especially when you're in your one hundred's and you're a freshman, you're going to be in here more. They use these terms for, like, review sessions and s I. Which is supplemental instruction where students like, teach each other different things. Yeah, like club meetings, especially the bigger clubs and stuff and and study day you can, like, uh, studied a last message. Just came in here, and we just, like, sad and like, sprawled out because it's just a really nice place in this white boards, and there's just like everything you need.