Massage chairs, yogibos, and sleeping pods (my favorite room on campus!)
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So now I'm we're going to show you one of my favorite rooms on campus. I think it's technically called the Wellness Room. There's a bunch of B vaccine there that you could sit on theirs to massage chairs that are free to use that you could just sit on, pick whatever setting you want, and they're sleeping pods in there. So if you especially feel about Southside, which is far within the academic buildings you want take a nap quickly. So I'm gonna walk in and show you guys is very Zen. I'm gonna walk in and just kind of like a like a sweet because I think it's polite to be quiet in there, mostly. Oh, and you have to take your shoes off before you and behind that like little shutter thing is the other is the other massage chair, which kind of gives you some privacy. If you're in that one and people are walking behind, you don't really want to see more people to see you going, like so.