Greek life, off campus housing, and the rushing process
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Okay, so we're in new and on the other side of new in, you can see the streets of Jena Seo, which you're like just off campus. So we're going to talk a little bit about Greek life off campus housing and the Russian process. So a lot of upperclassmen live on these streets, especially the ones that are, like, really close to the school within walking distance. There's a lot of Greek houses, Greek life houses and sports houses and stuff where people live and party. Yeah, like this whole street, like there's a street that's like towards a bottom on campus spending like all the way up to the top of the hill. There's a bunch of houses and, like, it's not just student housing like it's like anybody in this town. Like a lot of those houses, Air Greek organizations or sport organizations like baseball club clubs like that, where they have parties and the like really joined together on begins get together. Last night you went, like through the rushing Yeah, so similar t part of the Russian crosses it actually one of the event, the main events of that process was like walking around and, like meeting some of the houses, first meeting some of the girls in their houses. So I washed it through the streets and, like, I walked in a couple of their houses. Um, but yeah, rushing is like a big process, and it's actually different for national sororities versus local authorities between a bowl here. II was rushing national authorities, and that's it's very like, scheduled set, prod set of events and stuff. Then for locals, it's more of just like small events where you, like, pick any like looks. Or do you want to get involved with and, like you have to kind of you're on your own to kind of go to those buns and yeah, so it's a fun. It's really exciting, especially because you get to me a lot of girls or guys, you know what you're doing. The organization's definitely, like, help You make a lot of, like, branch out. I got people through it having a support system here in Tennessee.