Am I in my old high school? Nope! You have a class in Welles Hall
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So you might think we're in high school right now. We're in upstairs wells, which actually used to be an old high school. So on both sides of the second floor you have on the side. We have the languages and literature Sze department, which is where you find Spanish and French majors and like German miners. We have some other, like various costs, like Chinese and Arabic, depending on the rotation and semester homicide, English literature and creative writing tracks. There's ah, a classroom called the Language lab, which sounds really fancy. It's really just a classroom with tables and nice chairs and language books. I have a lot of classes up here, the kind of old school, like they have the chairs that you would see in high school and stuff. Oh, this one actually isn't even this one has the newer chairs, so I guess it really depends on the room. Some have the newer chairs and somehow the older chairs and some, um, have chalkboards and avoid boards must avoid boards. The A lot of education classes air here, too, and a lot of people say they like it, but it's kind of controversial.