Fraser hall classroom

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So we're here in Frasier Hall to show you a typical Genesee. As you can see, we have some plush office chairs and said of the wooden brick board, ones that are attached to desks like you see in high school? No. At each table station, one person sits in each one. There's an outlet that even plug in your computer, your calculator, whatever you need. We have some air conditioners for the summers and fans, you know, to keep things comfortable. Oh, there's kind of some different styles have noticed. If you go to different halls, you'll see depending on the classes that are typically in there, like history or math or English sent. Classrooms are equipped for different things thesame. The buildings were older, so some of the classrooms are kind of like in an older style. Wells was an old high school, so there's some kind of high school style classes in there. Some classes still have chalkboards, but this one has a white board and most have white boards and are pretty equipped for technology.