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So you saw Gina for now, I'm going to give her the spotlight, and she's gonna tell you a little bit about herself. I'm also sophomore here thing I'm majoring in neuroscience among the pre med track, and I'm monitoring and health wellness things that I do around campus. I'm a student Ambassadors That way I was Isis, the tour guide since like that during open houses and questions about that. Then I'm also on the board for the tap club. So that was actually some of the reasons that I joined Binghamton was all the things that there is to do is my favorite part is that literally, No matter what you do, there is a club for it. Well, it's pretty easy to get involved every year. We have a club fair and, like hundreds of club set up, and it's very easy to get to know things about each club. Um, at least everything about Binghamton is probably the weather. Today is a nice day, but when it's cold, it's cold. Anywhere you need to get a bus like the bus goes there. It is true, but it's also like a quiet enough town where it's like you get so like, no, me, um.