Binghamton Newing Dorm Tour!!!!

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So when you walk in, you're going to see our shoe area. We've put our shoes here, but no one walks in with shoes. We also have these nice little snack boxes with all of our snacks, and this is a micro fridge. We rented this through the university, so we actually put this marble tape on it with our own hands. Like just some sign paper towels, tissues, paper plates, things like that. The shop that we got from target, it's we have a lot of shit. Under it we have two awesome, like drawer storage areas that if you raise the bed, you kind of have a lot of room on top, too. It's a little messy right now, but is my desk on it. This is a court thing, So you can kind of just and then this's like the little back area. I would not recommend bringing nearly as many clothes I have and most minor dirty. So it's actually like, ten times more than this. Ah, now he was going to take it over and show you her side. A right here for laundry He's so sincere in the first four were actually a lot to put stuff on top of your closets. Most people aren't allowed to put stuff on their presents because it's a fire hazard. Basically, I feel like there's a lot of necessities that you need in a college dorm can sanitizers, utensils, lot of people towels. Then it was just going to show you guys me for a second. Something that I definitely would tell you guys to bring is number one and bring. He was bea Arthur like piece or a large extension cord. The reason for this is because there are plugs pretty much in every corner of the room. Just in case, you should definitely have, like, an extension cord. Another thing that I would tell you guys that's definitely necessary to have a big mountain is like the heaviest winter coat, like you need to bring up a wonder coat in October. Right now we have about four inches of snow outside, so definitely bring a very, very, very heavy winter cold like a parka. You don't need to spend a thousand dollars on the jacket. Mine was like a hundred bucks But definitely make sure that you bring a coiffure coming up here and early. It's literally summer for, like, a week here, so All right, so we'll show you get somewhere, but for right now, we're gonna have this video.