Learn About Our Transportation Systems: Buses and Wolfie Bike Share!

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So I'm gonna talk to you about the transportation system at Stony Brook. So this is our main bus stop in this selectively center or the sack. So we have many different buses at Stony Brook University. It also goes Teo, just like the inside kind of of campus. Okay, on DH, then there is also the railroad route, which goes to the Long Island Railroad on the hospital and shape and root, which goes there. There's the's Southampton bus that goes to South Hampton. Um and I would say, like those are the main bus is that we have on this campus. All you have to do is like, wait here at the sac for them, and they come on and you can also wait at any of the stops. All you need is your stony brook on, and you don't even need to show them like they're super chill about you, just like hopping on the bus anytime you want. Um, they come like every maybe, I want to say, like five to ten minutes. Some come more than others like an outer loop is definitely the most popular one, along with the railroad route. If you're going home or going to the city, Um, and also like in the hot thing that I was at before, there's actually a schedule of when the bus has come. It goes up there on the screen, but you can also just download the app and it'LL tell you like where the bus is and like when it's coming and stuff. So that's not like the on ly transportation that we have on campus. We also have used which our bikes they're super easy and fun to use. Their calls will be a ride a bike shares, and basically it looks like that, and there's a lot map of like where all of the bikes are. All you have to do is you have tio put in your idea, right? Answer here and then you put in your birthdate, and then basically, you could just use one of these bikes on DH. Then you just have to return it after an hour so you can use it to get somewhere and then park the bike and then get a new bike. So those air two different transportation systems that we have here, along with the Long Island Railroad, which obviously stops at Stony Brook.