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I want to take myself to the next level and also give you guys a content that you guys want to see. A lot of you guys have been watching me since I was a freshman life incoming freshmen like summertime freshman, and I just feel like I have just changed and I've grown a lot as a person. If you're considering St John's, this is the perfect medium for you because I'm going to give you guys like my experience. I'm not affiliated with the school in terms of my social media or YouTube. So everything I'm saying is 100% my experience, Ah, 100% how I feel and what I feel like you guys should know. So let me first tell you guys a little bit about my major and just like little dumb stuff about me. I'm a part of the Public Relations Committee for Student Government, which is called SG Eye on Campus on Guy. So I consider myself very involved on campus, which allows me to kind of, like build my experience a lot more and kind of get more to death about just things that I noticed or things that I feel like have helped me or hurt me And just basically, everything I've been through is what I'm gonna share with you guys. Just so you guys can, like, kind of have a better understanding like who I am and like what I expect out of college. I've always said in my videos, If I haven't I've always told you guys, if you guys hit me up on social media and like, talk to me about school, I always tell you guys like, Listen, the social life on campus is really, really great. Like real life, I've been with the same people for the past three years, so we've all become really, really close, and I just feel like they definitely helped me break out of certain habits that I've had like social wise and I'm a very social person. Ah, 100% like helped me break out of a lot of my like zones that I had for myself and like that's something I really, really, really. There's gonna be kind of a divide in terms of partying with the people who like to go to house parties or Greek life parties. If you want to go to a school where everyone's always at the same party because there are schools like that, like bigger universities like state schools or something like that, I find that, like everyone goes to the same parties, you know what I mean? Like, it's sort of like packed out. Now let's talk a little bit about, um, education, academics aspect of the school. So I'm gonna let you guys, I have had very good professors, and I have that had very bad professors. The business school has amazing professors, and every time I've gotten like a professor from my major courses, they've always been really good always have had, like, on head experience in the marketing field or in management were in finance or accounting. You're gonna have some bad. You're gonna have some s. You might have a d. Okay. Some people come into school and they, like, excel for point every semester. As I've gotten older, being in college is that you're gonna have some good days. Like it's just a lot different than you know, like being at home and like being around your family every day and like knowing what's going on and being until what's going on in the family. Once you're away from home, it's kind of hard, you know, Sometimes your parents may not tell you everything because they don't want to distract you, so you're not actually gonna work would have anxiety. You guys know I always want to keep it 100 with you guys. If you guys watch my channel from day one to now, you guys know I always just I'm a very honest person. You may have go to school and realize like this is not the school for me. There's gonna be days at your laundry's piled up. There's gonna be days that you're fucking room is a mess. There's gonna be days that someone in your family might be injured or ill or something's going on. You may realize, you know, as you're in school, you develop a mental health issue. They're just told, you know, it's gonna be fun, you know, it's what you make people laugh. I'm only saying on that not to scare you guys, but simply to make you guys just wake up and smell the coffee and just be real with yourself. You gotta know yourself like you got to know, like, Okay, am I gonna be able to handle that? You know what I mean? And if I'm not able to handle that, am I willing to learn how to handle that? Stuff like that is what makes or breaks you as an adult and even in college, you're gonna find a lot out about yourself. You're gonna be going through experiences that you've never thought you would ever seen your life or even meet people you never thought should ever be around or even had to cut people off. I'm gonna do a video on that, by the way, but you're gonna meet so many different people, you're gonna be in so many new environments that it's almost gonna be a hard for you not to grow as a person. Like I said, I don't want to scare you guys because going into schools already kind of scary. How much of school? Open minded, you know, I would just say my experience at St John so far has been very, very, very good. Maybe they're teaching style wasn't working with my learning style, and it's difficult, but I feel like I've grown so much as a person, and I would never, like, change anything like I would never say, Oh, I wish I went to another school. I know a lot of you guys when you guys get in, you gotta share share it with me. Just keep in mind at every grade school there is gonna be a few things that's not up to par. If you guys have never checked out my cold in line, please do.