The Rock and the Cougar

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Now that I'm done with my classes, I'm headed back onto the quad seems a little bit quiet right now. It's approximately twelve PM right now, but a lot of students actually get out of eleven fifty. Most systems are already out of their classes and have ran over to the Morris University Center to grab some food. These trees that you see here look amazing with different colors in the fall, and in the spring they bloom with white flowers, which is really beautiful. You can go ahead and look that up online just on Google images, and you can see how pretty it really is. Uh, I turned into a photographer when it comes to those seasons, because I just want to capture all of the beauty that we have. Center of the Quad Way Have the Rock, which has been here for years pretty much since the university's founding. It's actually an old piece of this rock, which was cut and laid. It's kind of a symbol of free speech for all the students here. Lots of different organizations come in and spray paint. It becomes kind of a competition of who can have theirs last the longest. So people will come here that very late hours of the night just to get there. Get there word out this important destinations on campus. I'm always looking to see what people are writing in the rock. What kind of events are happening? People also right on the sidewalk to show what events are coming. Uh, campus activities board likes to hang stuff from his neck just to get the word out about a different events. If you get into Morse University Center CR Hold On, which was Senate for free speech prior to one and for letting us know what's happening. QUE best different organizations about their events well, keep sex.