Science Building

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This is where the physics department is in the Science East building. Something really convenient about the science buildings is that all of the faculty who work in the different departments have their office is right next to the labs, which our correspondent to their specific field. So all of the biology faculty offices will be located on the biology floor with all of the biology labs. So if you enter through that door, all of the faculty will have their offices in there, which you can attend for office hours, which are pretty popular here. Here's where they walking down the front side of Science West. We have all the student lambs students in their work. Each floor set up like this so I won't take you to other floors. This is what the biological sciences that's just so we have a study area on each floor. In regards to the content covered in lab, the material can be pretty difficult to cope with, and sometimes doesn't necessarily line up with what you're learning and lecture. Uh, they will be teaching one thing and lecture, and then you'll be doing a completely separate project in your lab. That has nice compete years in a printer which can don't be print for your classes or your life. I have a computer lab just located right here. See there some students in there where there's open lab where you can print again for your classes.