Research and Lab Work

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One of the amazing opportunities we have here is research, and that all is coordinated through a program we have here called the Undergraduate Research and Creative Activities Program, otherwise known as Orca. You work under the guidance of the faculty mentor, and you help with a primary investigators specific topic of interest. As anarchy associate, you create your own topic to be studied in a research lab. So I am a orca assistant currently, and as an assistant, I work in one of the labs here on campus. I worked in the middle of being center where there are exercise physiology labs, so I do research on diabetes and your apathy in mice. Currently, we have lots going on behind me, and then I can even show you some of the mice that we work with in the Web. They have exercise wheels, as you can see right there, and then we have a system to monitor all of their activity. Then we also have a few good where we do some of our research on the mind, swaying and feeding and such. We also have more mice over here that we have another one of the machines that I work with. This is a Christ at machine, which is used to cut foot pads on. Might have state of the art equipment in all of the lab's. This machine right here is called a sonic ation machine, and it breaks up proteins and arn A through the usage of sound waves. We also have different machines that could be used for protein and Arnie analysis. Pipette tips, things you would find in a normal lab, and there's a lot of autonomy offered for the students who work through the program. They get to really do the projects at their own pace, and a typical orca assistant will work about seven to nine hours per week. Not only do you receive work experience from being in an orca lab, but you also have the potential of receiving a stipend, which is a free payment for you for doing your work in the lab. On top of that, it's not on ly for science students, there are orca programs available in psychology and other social sciences. That could be interesting to some of you who, perhaps aren't pre professional hope or hoping to go to graduate. In regards to the stipend for IRK assistance, you'll receive seven hundred fifty dollars per semester for Erica Associates. You have the potential of getting up to a thousand two hundred dollars per semester, so not every student who works in the lab receives stipend. I received a stipend last semester, but this semester I will not be receiving a stipend. It's all dependent on how many students are working in your lab and how long they've been there and how skilled they are at what they're doing. Right next door to the lab that I work in is an exercise physiology lab for the exercise Physiology students at they have plenty of equipment to use treadmills and oxygen monitoring machines, and then, if you have right next door. They have machines where you can actually monitor the different organs and function of them in the body, as well as freezers at very low temperatures, which can store focusing here very low temperatures which can store all of the samples that we use and cut in the research lab.