Greek Life Member Interview

The following is an computer-generated summary of the video transcript.
Hi. Can you introduce yourself and telling me why you chose us? Hi. Uh, my name is Amy Keller. I trust you because my cousin what here and graduate from pharmacy school here on I wanted to follow in her footsteps. Okay, Amy, what would you say? The social climate and the academic climate of you is, uh, social climate is anything like a large schools, like Greek life. We do have here, but it's not a huge, like a state school or something by any means. There is partying, but it's not a lot on DH. Thie is the other question was back down that climate. Uh, everybody mostly kind of studies, as you can see, focus. Look, that's what are some of the pros and cons of our school? So the prose is we don't have to buy her textbooks. Then a con is we don't have a football team. If you're really into football, I'm coming. Is more revolved around soccer do wrong football? What would you say to finds essay? We, um, coming from a small town? We didn't have a lot of diversity. Here there is different people from all different kinds of countries. If you had to give advice to your senior self, what would you say? Study. I came in freshman year, not really knowing how to study. I passed through high school in the problem, and then my freshman year came, and it kind of hit me in the fight.