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Bluff Residence Hall
Bluff Hall is one of three freshmen residence halls on campus! All of the residence halls for freshman are built the same. Rooms are extremely large and are in close proximity to the school’s academic buildings. Freshmen at SIUE are definitely spoiled. A meal plan is included with your cost of living!
The following is an computer-generated summary of the video transcript.
What? So here we are in a normal freshman residents. Desks and beds are provided they come at this height, you can turn them into bunk bed style beds. She was agree in their section off, usually with a door or a curtain step, you can use the toilet or other people use the shower. So it's four people that share bathrooms and they are section off s. So it's all women in one area and all men in the other area. Some of them come on TV's. Lots of people liked to hang out here, and there's a microwave, since you aren't allowed to have my great in your room. In the upperclassmen holes, you are allowed to have Micah wait in your room.
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