The Essentials to Survival
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Hey, guys, what's up? So if you washed the last video, it should be the apartment to her after the apartment or it was pretty late. Following this room tour, I I thought that we should talk about some of the essentials that you should bring to your room. The biggest things that my roommate and I had talked about was a full size trash can thirteen fourteen gallon trash can with trash bags we have are over here. Um, I think the biggest reason was because we had all brought, like, a small about bathroom sized trash can and the amount of times that we had to take it out. We decided that it would just be easier to get a full sized trash can. As you move up from like your freshman dorm style room to the apartment your junior senior year, it actually is a lot easier. That's not something you have to go on by because you already have it. Even once you leave something, that's something else that you could take cheered house or apartment after college. Thes second thing that we said was super important was, if you are going to brand TV, they don't provide cable, you can pay for it. I think their rates went up, so I don't currently know what they're at s so you could pay for cable monthly. Or you could get, um, a smart TV. So this is a TV? It actually is. This DVD player actually, is how we play all of our Netflix Hu Lu, etcetera. I think you can get regular DVD players that do this as well. Anything else you would want YouTube right off of here. You could also try something like a row coup or apple TV, You know, kind of whatever device you want. All those connect to the Internet and you don't have to pay for the Internet. So it's kind of one less thing you have to worry about when you get here. Other than that, I mean, definitely don't create the essential shower caddy, shower shoes. You would want extra long twin sheets and yeah, that's about it.