Hidden Gems in Kent Campus Center
The following is an computer-generated summary of the video transcript.
So I'm gonna come in here and talk to you guys about this. I want everyone here because I don't think I discovered this place until sophomore year. Mom, when I finally kind of became organized with the clubs and stuff that I'm in and got into the higher up parts of the club and I gained access to this room. First of all, it's a little cluttered right now because there is a lot of campus events going on, and the planning of that all happens up in here. So from I feel like this is just a really great room for studying group studying, there's meetings that are held in here. Um, have a TV over there with UI U X box, and, uh, there's another gaming system and I don't remember what because that's not my area of expertise, But this is the second floor of Kent, which I mentioned kind of in my, um, dining video. So it's really thought, and I come back out here because this isn't the only place on the second floor, but I want you guys, So we're gonna want her back here. As you can see, it's a super quiet nice lounge, Um, for meeting space, studying these other videos that people shoot for campus admissions stuff up here. A lot of people like to take photos in front of a fireplace. Um, just come up here, turn on the fireplace, study in here and be nice and warm by the fire kind of in the winter. M v. Drink some faculty? I don't know. Is it him? Jam? Logan, how much money do you spend here? Can we talk about that being in gym? Hi, Kyle. Who is that one near the white one? That's interesting. No. Senator, I you know, it's only April.