How I feel about Scripps

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Okay, So one of the things that I like the most about scripts, this its location, and that's for several reasons. So script is like a very small school, like it's like roughly a thousand, maybe thousand five hundred students. Uh, but it's like Clairmont, which is a small town outside of L. A. So basically all of the clear my colleges will give you, like a free train card and you can walk to the train station, get to L. A like within an hour, really less than that. Um, so it's really close to L. A. But you also get to have the subculture of actually having, like a campus where people see each other all the time and do things on campus as opposed to a college that might be like in the middle of a city where everybody who leaves campus to do things. People do things here, and they also go see concerts in l. A all the time every weekend. A pretty inexpensive I was surprised that there's so many contracts in L. A. But the prices aren't that high two.