A Tour of my Residence Hall and Suite!

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I'm here today to give you guys a tour, huh? The dorm that I live in now. Last year I lived off campus at CTU Apartments because of the housing crisis. So I live in geo data, which is Gabrielle Jungles Winkler. So But most people call it data, and this is kind of what it looks like from the outside. Um this balcony is my sweet that I live in with three of my friends. So every dorm has some of the same things, even though they're different. There's a grand piano, and that's just kind of like a place to hang out. A cappella groups will rehearse, But in addition to the living room, every rescue also has a laundry room, typically a kitchen on every level. So this is the data a lot, as you could see, and the lodger is also right next to the courtyard. The rec room has a foosball table in here, but in other rec rooms, there's not okay like built in recreation. Wait, this Everything that you think there's a printer, Every restaurant has a printer. So I said computer room, lodging, room, rec room, living room. There's also something that's kind of unique. It's called a browsing room, and all the browsing rooms are different. A lot of the books were donated by our special collections library. You know, people had done with their books for their classes, especially their core classes. Here, it scripts, and then they just leave them in the browsing room. So you're looking for the books for your classes. You could see the view that we were just down here earlier. So this is really So is it, brother kitchen living room record on DH? No, we haven't seen the kitchen yet. That's a real head right now, so the second floor kitchen is typically. It's like ten steps away from my room you know, it was a refrigerator and oven and a microwave, and some people leave a lot of spices here, and there's dishes and things like that, like a place to cover this wound. If you're eating, it's a nice little kitchen. Sometimes there's events held in this courtyard and that right there that is, um another staircase that leads to my sweet. So this is just like, you know, every every dorm, very different here. It just kind of depends on what you want if you want. Like, about me, if you want full size bathtub, if you don't wantto, if you want your own bathroom, you know all those kind of things. That's that's Helen's room and living space. Emily's parents brought a lot of popcorn, So that's what you see on the TV. But we have balconies. Do you know that we saw earlier these air? My plant? Well, I should say our plans. This is my room, as you can see, because my face is painted on the front. So as you can see, I have, like, suitcases and stuff. I have my bed like I kind of went for, like, a plant's theme. One of my friends made me this to go with everything's that's really cool. No. Hey! Several pictures myself, As you can see and Frida Kahlo for I actually brought some more heart That's on this suitcase from home. That's also kind of doubling as a storage space. What? My card with all the arts and crafts and my sewing machine and your good man, all that kind of stuff. Then this is like, this is for lighting with record stuff or if I'm taking pictures and all that kind of stuff. Um and then we have the balcony in my room. The other rooms in the suite don't have a balcony.