The humanities building and my class on selfhood

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So let's see, get it? As you can see, this is like an outdoor space. This is the humanities building, and basically there's like a lot of water here. So when it's like, really hot outside, I will just literally walk outside of my class and it like continues on and on. You can also, like, eat lunch here because it's pretty close to Malaga. They're coming to court with me because they're all so interested in all of the amazing things that have to do a self hood in the African diaspora. Is it or a must? Oh, my God, you got it? Well, nobody's in here yet, but I can say the room. Like, we literally just, like, all sit around and talk about the readings and the videos in the books and one really cool thing about this classes we got, like Skype, one of the authors of the books that we read. So basically the author does like performance art, and she's an amazing like black woman who, like, focuses on selfhood and starving herself and everything. Just we got to read about how she, like, build her art and also got to ask her more questions about it face to face in class because our professors arrange a Skype. Last week I got to have dinner with the author of a different book that we had, which was about the tribe in Ghana, where my dad is from and yeah, so that was really amazing. She signed my book, and, um, you know, we got to ask her questions. Everybody got to ask her questions scripts because she came and gave a talk, and anybody could just show up. So it's a really great opportunity going toe like a small school because you get those face to face interactions with people that you probably wouldn't get it. It was like a really large school where that kind of opportunity was more competitive. So class is about to start, so I'll check in with you after class.