What is Bates and Dudley Lawrence
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My phone is charged and now I'm on my way to go to dinner at the cafeteria Are crafty. The great thing about Bates that we have vegan gluten free England free options. If Bates doesn't happen to meet your dietary restrictions, the night you show up for the for lunch, whatever lunch or dinner that you come, you can actually talk to one of the chefs, and they'll make you a special meal that fits your restrictions, which is really awesome. So we try our best to be super accommodating here, which I really love. So I'm filming this now because once I get inside Bates, you won't really be able to hear me because it's not a huge, huge Captain Rex for such a small school. So it's going to be a lot of people not think a big space. So filming this now gonna walk to Bates and then I'll show you guys the different stations have clarity Station, a vegan station, a entree station of Girl station, a pizza station and a salad bar. So so currently I'm in one of Sarah Lawrence caught earlier in a classroom. Just to give you an example, as you can see, this is not the same as your typical college classroom. We at Sarah Lawrence ten ninety percent of our class or talked seminar sorrow, which are they're taught in the round table discussion, which allows you to have an intimate conversation with your professors and classmates about subject matter at hand. On top of having a round table discussions, we also have this thing called a conference working conference projects. Comets Work is well built on with your professor, and you have a paper, a movie, a book of poems, etcetera.