Final Goodbye
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I hope you learned something about Sarah Lawrence. The last thing I'm going to do as your campus, your alabaster, is to give a piece of advice to prospective students. First, I'm going to give just a piece of general advice, and that is applying to colleges is very stressful, and it might seem like it's lasting forever. I promise that once it's over, you're going to feel so much better. You're going to feel so relaxed and everything is gonna work out and you're going to end up going to the place that's right for you. The second piece of advice is for people who are specifically ingested in Sarah Lawrence. Sarah Lawrence has such a unique system that can be either wonderful for you or can really not work for you. I think that if you're thinking about coming to Sarah Lawrence, you think it looks interesting because it iss and you think it's going to be the system that works for you. I would say you have to come to Sarah Lawrence with an open mind and the desire to work hard and really be responsible for your own education conference. Work on Lee is effective When you are willing to put in one hundred percent of the effort, It doesn't matter if you're writing a twenty page paper or you're writing a script or you're doing a performance piece. All that conference work is Is you the student putting in all of the hours, All of the research, all of the work? Of course, professors are going to help you. If you have a question, you're more than welcome to go and talk to them about it or get advice or run over things with them. That's what I think is the most rewarding part of the Sarah Lawrence experience is that when you look back on your years here, you have this huge body of work that you've completed, and you could look at it and say, I did all of that on my own. I spent hours in the library writing this paper, and I think that's really incredible. I hope everything goes well for you and you end up going to the place.