Interview 3 (Hwi).mp4

The following is an computer-generated summary of the video transcript.
Hi. My name is P M. Bob, my pronoun. Is she hers? I much Junior and Sarah Lawrence College, and my concentration is Phil and politics. I'm from Korea, actually, and first by counselors recommended this school. It's near the city, and I've always had a dream to be a New Yorker. There's such a great place to not only study for Maya's fields that you're interested, but also like combining altogether and communicate with interesting people from all over the place. Being international student, and Sarah Lawrence College can be challenging at first because, to be honest, there aren't a lot of international student community on campus compared to other universities. I won't say it's negative because it really gives you a lot more chance to experience different cultures from your home, and you get to have amazing experiences and chances to learn something that you would never have. A film acting class call Less is more with Professor Douglas Alan McCue myself more year. That's probably my favorite class to that class was filled with people who had never acted before and the people who had acted a lot. So I think you had never taken acting before, and I am studying acting. So it was a nice mix of people, and at the end, our final project was to make a film. We got to write, so the writers were also in our class. We took turns to direct and I do the sounds and do the camera and edit. We also got a lot of help, and the devices are just great. So I'm writing a paper on robotics and robo ethics and the social dynamics that it's but how it influences the social dynamics. I just research about sex robots, Furbys, Cleo's. It's like this a robot that was like a dinosaur. During conference season, which is like the last two weeks of each semester, the school opens up the library, and others study rooms for hours. Everybody's there like crying altogether, which is a really great support. She's a big energy's building this grade student center right now, which will be open soon.