Interview 1 (Ava)

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One of the reasons why I chose Sarah Lawrence is because I really love the close relationship you have with your professors and Dawn's academic advisers, along with having such a gorgeous chemise. So the student body at several oranges very artistic, very socially aware, and they do come from all over the world. What, are you concentrating? I'm concentrating mainly in writing on our classes. About fifteen, the Senate are fifteen, seven hours are about twelve to fifteen people. I think lectures air captain sixty people, which is nice because, like you said before, where you get good relationships with your students, you can really do that with your teachers, some of the best discussions happening class and then they continue outside of us. Pros, beautiful campus, amazing faculty and personally, as a theater and film student. Those departments are really strong, so that's fantastic. Some cons are that it is a smaller school, so if you're looking for a larger school, you're not going to find it here for, you know, a lot of faces. You still don't know everyone that which is God's truth. Yeah, the food A lot of people complain about the food. Food is gonna be one hundred percent on, Yes, Sarah lives is a very writing centered school. So if you're someone who likes to take exams and doesn't like writing papers, you don't want to come to Sarah Lawrence. You choose a topic that you're really interested in. Then during semester, you're responsible for researching and writing about a twenty page or a short story. Or, yeah, depending on what class you're taking. So for right now, we're both working on scripts for our screenwriting class. Sometimes you could do like a performance piece, things like that, but a lot of the time you have to write papers. So one thing that defined Sarah Lawrence is previously mentioned. You get it dawn and economic adviser, and it is based off of the Oxford Cambridge system. So unless you go to Oxford, Cambridge, I think we're the only school that has that. They're really great because they really can't help you with your academics and support you. So make sure you have a daughter that really matches campus itself. I would say one of things that defines us is I would I think that art is really the more important aspect of student life as opposed to athletics. We also don't have Greek life, which is something that I actually really like. I didn't want to go to a big school that had huge frats and sororities. That doesn't mean that parties don't happen, promise advice to five freshmen yourself is that although things, you will want things to be rate immediately and right away. Sometimes things won't take time and allow them to take John because you will find the people on your groups that you want to be with. I don't hang out there very much, but is always really cute. Is that called? The Teahouse? Are? Yeah, sometimes we would call it Hagrid's Hut, and it is a really cute spot. You can get chief like a dollar than they have a lot of cheese, so doesn't really cute spot on campus.