A tour of Bronxville!

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He got, so it's kind of gray outside looks pretty gross. I'm gonna try and give you a tour, Bronxville before airports with rain. So right over there is the Bronx will train station and with the Bronx Zoo train station, Sarah Loans will actually shuttle you after five on weekdays, too, from the train station and then all day on weekends. If you want to go into the city where your getting back from the city, that's where you want to go. If you live in hell house, it's probably faster just to walk to and from The fleet would train station. So when he was very young and that's where he went to church and school and up ahead is the Acme Grocery store. So if you want to think small and maybe you don't want to go to something big, like stopping shop, you could always come here and it's really nice. It's kind of far, but I would recommend is going to sound. If you need it, then you hit the Bronxville High Street, which has everything on it. The post office, the CVS, a bunch of restaurants and stores. My favorite spot slaved the grind Slave to the ground. Is this really cute little coffee shop that's always packed in Sarah Lawrence students. Do some work, and they make really good drinks and muffins there, too. Around the corner from Slave to the Grind is the Bronxville Diner and this really cute movie theater and only shows about three films at a time. It's super cute, and you definitely want to go check it out if you want to be in Bronx, all not somewhere big, like Cross County.