Transition from high school / workload

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Hey, so I wanted to talk a bit about how the workload has been just with the transition from high school. As like I said, I'm a freshman here on this my first quarter. So it's definitely been a big step up school work wise from high school, but it hasn't been unmanageable. It hasn't been a real issue, and I haven't been like falling behind in my classes or anything because also with the quarter system, he kind of have to, really, to keep up with everything, since you only have ten weeks of classes per quarter, so that definitely takes some getting used to it if he didn't have that in high school. I did have that in high school, so I was kind of already used to the short, quick class schedule. I'm taking English, math, chemistry and mechanical engineering class. The workload hasn't been too bad with all of those mechanical engineering class I'm taking because, like I said, I'm trying to transfer my major from math to mechanical engineering, which is transferring between schools so it can be a bit harder than if you just want to declare a different major in the same school. That's not a problem of super Easy, but I'm actually trying to transfer from the College of Arts and Sciences to the School of Engineering. After applying Get Accepted all that in the spring. So I'm taking a mechanical engineering class to kind of help with my looking, being qualified to kind of transfer to that different schools. Yeah, the transition from high school hasn't been too bad. And if you have good time management skills, it's really not a problem. You just don't want to save all your work till the night before, because then you can totally end up staying up super like doing it. Yeah, not not a problem with good time management skills.